greenplum 5.7 + gpcheckcat

news/2025/2/23 13:56:34



$ gpcheckcat -?

Usage: gpcheckcat [<option>] [dbname]

    -B parallel: number of worker threads
    -g dir     : generate SQL to rectify catalog corruption, put it in dir
    -p port    : DB port number
    -P passwd  : DB password
    -U uname   : DB User Name
    -v         : verbose
    -A         : all databases
    -S option  : shared table options (none, only)
    -O         : Online
    -l         : list all tests
    -R test    : run this particular test
    -C catname : run cross consistency, FK and ACL tests for this catalog table

gpcheckcat -l


[gpadmin@node1 bin]$ gpcheckcat -l

List of gpcheckcat tests:

   unique_index_violation: Check for violated unique indexes
                duplicate: Check for duplicate entries
       missing_extraneous: Cross consistency check for missing or extraneous entries
             inconsistent: Cross consistency check for master segment inconsistency
              foreign_key: Check foreign keys
                      acl: Cross consistency check for access control privileges
               persistent: Check persistent tables
                  pgclass: Check pg_class entry that does not have any correspond pg_attribute entry
                namespace: Check for schemas with a missing schema definition
      distribution_policy: Check constraints on randomly distributed tables
               dependency: Check for dependency on non-existent objects
                    owner: Check table ownership that is inconsistent with the master database
           part_integrity: Check pg_partition branch integrity, partition with oids, partition distribution policy
          part_constraint: Check constraints on partitioned tables
     duplicate_persistent: Check for duplicate gp_persistent_relation_node entries
       mirroring_matching: Check that configured mirroring and segments' mirroring agree

gpcheckcat -R persistent

[gpadmin@node1 bin]$ gpcheckcat -R persistent -p 5432 peiybdb
Truncated batch size to number of primaries: 3

Connected as user 'gpadmin' to database 'peiybdb', port '5432', gpdb version '5.0'
Batch size: 3
Performing test 'persistent'
Total runtime for test 'persistent': 0:00:00.51

Completed 1 test(s) on database 'peiybdb' at 2018-05-08 17:54:51 with elapsed time 0:00:00
Found no catalog issue

gpcheckcat -R pgclass

[gpadmin@node1 bin]$ gpcheckcat -R pgclass -p 5432 peiybdb
Truncated batch size to number of primaries: 3

Connected as user 'gpadmin' to database 'peiybdb', port '5432', gpdb version '5.0'
Batch size: 3
Performing test 'pgclass'
Total runtime for test 'pgclass': 0:00:00.01

Completed 1 test(s) on database 'peiybdb' at 2018-05-08 17:56:44 with elapsed time 0:00:00
Found no catalog issue

gpcheckcat -R namespace

[gpadmin@node1 bin]$ gpcheckcat -R namespace -p 5432 peiybdb
Truncated batch size to number of primaries: 3

Connected as user 'gpadmin' to database 'peiybdb', port '5432', gpdb version '5.0'
Batch size: 3
Performing test 'namespace'
Total runtime for test 'namespace': 0:00:00.02

Completed 1 test(s) on database 'peiybdb' at 2018-05-08 17:57:46 with elapsed time 0:00:00
Found no catalog issue

gpcheckcat -R distribution_policy

[gpadmin@node1 bin]$ gpcheckcat -R distribution_policy -p 5432 peiybdb
Truncated batch size to number of primaries: 3

Connected as user 'gpadmin' to database 'peiybdb', port '5432', gpdb version '5.0'
Batch size: 3
Performing test 'distribution_policy'
Total runtime for test 'distribution_policy': 0:00:00.00

Completed 1 test(s) on database 'peiybdb' at 2018-05-08 17:58:19 with elapsed time 0:00:00
Found no catalog issue

gpcheckcat -R dependency

[gpadmin@node1 bin]$ gpcheckcat -R dependency -p 5432 peiybdb
Truncated batch size to number of primaries: 3

Connected as user 'gpadmin' to database 'peiybdb', port '5432', gpdb version '5.0'
Batch size: 3
Performing test 'dependency'
Total runtime for test 'dependency': 0:00:00.31

Completed 1 test(s) on database 'peiybdb' at 2018-05-08 17:58:44 with elapsed time 0:00:00
Found no catalog issue



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